(FYA Group News)
A team of Diamonds dedicated to helping you build a successful Univera business.

Handling Objections

Welcome Objections!
Objections are good. It means the prospect is thinking, and needs more information. They are asking questions instead of avoiding you or trying to pacify you to get you to go away.
Anticipate and expect objections. A smart prospect is going to look at any opportunity from every possible angle. Remember how you felt the first time you were introduced to Univera.

Dos and Don’ts:
Don’t argue or be defensive. Do lead them to answer their own objections. Be enthusiastic. Consider their objections seriously.

Steps for handling objections:
1. Listen to the objection completely, don’t interrupt the person telling you their issue.
2. Repeat the objection back to them as closely as you can. Say “I understand”, “So what you are saying is that you feel that you are already healthy enough?” “What you are saying is you don’t need any extra income?” “So, what you are saying is you don’t think you have any extra time to start a secondary business?”
3. Ask a question: “Is that how you feel?” “Really, why do you feel that way?” “How do you see it differently?” “Oh really, why do you say that?”
4. Answer the objection once you think it is a sincere objection. This will often be enough. Avoid over-explaining your position or answer. Less is more sometimes. Confirm that the objection is answered and then move on. Are they ready to make a decision now?
5. Use FEEL, FELT, FOUND. “I understand how you feel, I/others have felt the same way as you until I/they found out that this is really the truth about the objection.”

All major objections are answered and buy-in is established by bringing people to a TEAM event. The bigger the event - the more effective the outcome!

Remember this: “You can’t say the right thing to the wrong person, and you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person.”

10 Common Objections
1. No time.
I understand how you feel. I was in the same position. Actually, what I’ve found is most people don’t have ANY time. But once I show them how I can help them gain more time to do the things they want to do- by creating a residual income from the efforts of other people- they’ve been able to find a few hours a week that we can leverage. Would you be open to letting me work with you on your calendar to see if there are any spots we might be able to leverage to get you started? Let me ask you this, “how much money do you need to see from this to start replacing some of the time you are spending elsewhere?”
2. No money.
I understand your concern, many people are in a similar situation, and I can relate. If I could show you how to take a minimal initial investment and generate a return on that investment in just a matter of weeks, leading to an ongoing monthly residual, would that be something that you would be interested in finding out about?
3. This seems like a pyramid.
I know exactly what you are saying. I felt the same way. As a matter of fact, a lot of people at first glance think the same thing, but after a little due diligence I’ve found some pretty interesting facts. First, a pyramid scheme, which by the way is illegal, is when there is no exchange of products or services. Second, in a pyramid, you can’t make more money than the person above you. With Univera both of those items are moot points because this company is product and science driven and the way the pay structure is set-up, you can make more than anyone in the company when you apply yourself. What really pushed me over the top was when I researched the Direct Selling Association (DSA) and found that this company was an upstanding member. Then I found out that Univera was named on World Economic Forum’s Global Growth Companies list. I realized that they simply use “word of mouth” advertising, which is the strongest form of advertising, to get the products to market. Most importantly, all of the money and accounting are dealt straight with the company, so I don’t deal with any of that personally. Are you open to meeting some other people from the Team that did some of the research that I’m talking about?
4. I don’t want to go to any meetings.
Word track #1- I can relate to that, I have certainly sat in my share of boring meetings that go on and on. If you would let me introduce you to some of my friends and business partners, so you can learn more about Univera and get some other perspectives besides mine. I think you would find it to be very informative and time well spent. Can you spare an hour out of your week, and let me buy you lunch? What if I could show you how to generate a potential part-time income of $3,000 to $5,000 a month going to one or two meetings a week? Would that possibly influence how you feel about going to meetings?
Word track #2- I know exactly what you mean. I felt exactly the same way when I first started. As a matter of fact, most people don’t want to go to meetings, but once you get around the Team you start actually craving the time each week to get together. I think your first step is to come out, meet the Team, see a presentation, and then decide if you are comfortable bringing people back with you. If you are not comfortable then I will understand, but I think once you meet the Team you will have different perspective.
5. I don’t know anyone.
I understand what you are saying. I’ve had a few people tell me that when they first got started, but after they realized that they only need 3 business partners to build they changed their mind. We decided to do a small exercise to figure out who they actually knew. Do you have your phone with you? Let’s take all of the phone numbers out of your phone and write them down on a piece of paper. Then let’s separate the names into 4 categories using the Memory Jogger tool from the Getting Started Manual. I’ll bet you we can find more people that you originally thought that we can talk to together. Are you open to me helping you develop this list so we can determine whether or not this is the right business for you?
6. The product is too expensive.
I understand exactly what you are saying. I’ve also met other people that have had the same concerns initially, but what we’ve all realized is that you get what you pay for. Obviously there are less expensive alternatives, and they are not getting the results they desire. What does saving a few dollars actually mean in the grand scheme of things? My recommendation is to do what some others have done, which is first let me show you why our products are superior to ANYTHING on the market, and then let me show you how you can get your products for free. Would that interest you?
7. I’m really healthy already – I take vitamins.
That is great! What have you noticed with the vitamins you have been taking? (Listen to response). AgelessXtra® has four benefits that most people find are not typically experienced taking vitamins. What if I could show you a way that you could look, feel, and perform better at every age?
8. I don’t want to make money off my friends.
I totally understand how you feel. I’ve met a few people that also felt the same way, but when they found out that this isn’t about making money off your friends as much as this is about making money with your friends, they realized that it was actually wrong for me to not share it with them for both health and financial reasons. Additionally, we are never pushing anything to anyone. I’ve always found that if you show them the plan and let them make an informed decision for themselves – you’ll never lose.
9. Sucralose is one of the ingredients.
I understand exactly what your concern is. As a matter of fact, I had similar concerns when I first learned they used sucralose, but when I read the research document “The Sweet Truth,” I realized that some of the information that I had on Sucralose was incorrect and that I had just lumped it in with other artificial sweeteners. Go to this link and read this doc…If after you’ve read that document and you still have concerns we can look at an alternative with no sucralose in
it - it’s called Xperia®, but I’d really like to see you read that paper first so you can make an informed decision.
10. I’ve tried this type of business before and it doesn’t work for me.
I understand exactly what you are saying. I’ve met several people that have experienced this same frustration as you in the past, but what most of them have found is that a lot of those frustrations were the result of inferior products, lack of teamwork and training, or companies that were here one day and gone the next. Once they got around our Team, tried our products, which are guaranteed to work or you get your money back, and did just a little homework on the company, they found that this opportunity is way different than anything that they’ve ever seen. If I could introduce you to some people that had the same concerns as you, so you can hear what their experience has been like and what they’re success has been since joining our Team, would you be open to meeting them? I’d just like to see you do a little more fact-finding before you make a decision.

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Free video teleconference NCLpyramidschemebrochure.pdf
What is a pyramid scheme? spZyNuo&feature=channel_page
Robert Kiyosaki – The Perfect business
Pay It Forward